Libraries Lead in the New Normal

Now Available! The first episode of a new podcast - Libraries Lead in the New Normal -

Dave Lankes and Mike Eisenberg talk about issues, challenges, and opportunities facing librarians and libraries (and society at large) in this second decade of the 21st Century. A "new normal" is emerging. 2020 was brutal and 2021 is also starting out with serious challenges on many fronts. But there are also life-altering, sea changing, transformative opportunities. Libraries and librarians in all settings and situations have major roles to play as society comes to grip with this new normal.

Over the next year, podcast topics will include - Covid and the lockdown, social justice – mis- dis-information, political unrest and insurrection, learning and teaching virtually and physically, climate and weather change, emergency preparedness, and the changing nature of work and home lives.

Please tune in and please share with others!